Think business: 2
1.Laundry job:
This business is quite cool most especially if your services are awesome and amazing, most people who are working class most times don't have time to do laundry themselves so the need for a laundry man is needed,however this kind of business can only thrive in a highbrow area than in a rural or suburban area
Food business is cool business and one of its aspect is baking.if you are one who can make bakeries of any kind like puff,doughnut,cakes and the rest you can engage it as a side hustle,and if you engage the services of the social media,you can be sure someone would surely come across your art and demand for your services it doesn't cost much to start but it does pays
An aspect of e-commerce and digital marketing is mini importation, with you signing up with verifiable e-commerce sites engaged in such you can help people order goods and help sell for companies or such sites too making your own profits,what you need is a smartphone or tablet or a laptop and signing up with sites that are into such while you tell your friends about the business as a way of advertisement or to whomsoever it may concern. designing:
Looking good is good business but it takes also a good fashion designer to come up with such.These days we see trendy and awesome creativity in the world of fashion been churned out,and if you are a person who can create dresses that are fabulous,cute and attractive you can earn yourself cool money and even when these days you engage the power of technology to advertise your work you never can tell who will see your work and love it and may want to patronise you.
Other profitable ventures that you can also engage on are:
Affiliate marketing
Event planning and decoration
Telecom business and so much more
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