Crude truths you need to know
1.No matter how you work for your boss never be too comfortable not to leave one day
2.Most people who went to school most times don't end up as those with the big bag, you need book and you need also skill,have it
3.Prayers don't give you money,you need to plan,work and pray
4.Don't allow the chase for money make you neglect your health, health must be highly valued
5.It may look difficult but you don't need a friend that talks you out of financial management
6.Savings can keep your money for a while but investment grows it
7.If you watch TV the whole day,chat the whole day and seek relaxation instead of engaging it in something productive,even prayers can't save you,such a person would go broke and poor
8 What you can't have now,leave it,work with what you have and be hopeful
9.When you check very well those that create wealth are those that provide solutions to issues not those that enjoy the solutions provided
10.Read,develop your mind if not you won't fit in with the changing times
Hope this helped