Learn a skill too
It is quite unfortunate that most people who claims to have gone to school have no other hope of making money than through their certificates and degrees, I would want to state here categorically that schooling is not and end in itself, getting certificates and degrees a is not an end in itself,ask yourself what other thing can you do or offer aside that paper certification or degree.
You need to invest in learning a skill,don't relegate this fact to the background, don't bask on the fact that you have a first class or a second class upper your mindset needs to change from that radar of thought,think like an employer not like an employee,think of what to do with that talent you have,learn a skill if you have none and adequately invest in making a positive impact in the society and to help yourself too.
No matter how fat and cozy your salaried work is,I would always tell people nothing is a good of running your own business, paying yourself and being your own boss,it looks more freer and better,why not think about it and you will sure see how your mentality and your life would turn out to be.
Hope this helped
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