Crude truths you need to know
1.No matter how you work for your boss never be too comfortable not to leave one day
2.Most people who went to school most times don't end up as those with the big bag, you need book and you need also skill,have it
3.Prayers don't give you money,you need to plan,work and pray
4.Don't allow the chase for money make you neglect your health, health must be highly valued
5.It may look difficult but you don't need a friend that talks you out of financial management
6.Savings can keep your money for a while but investment grows it
7.If you watch TV the whole day,chat the whole day and seek relaxation instead of engaging it in something productive,even prayers can't save you,such a person would go broke and poor
8 What you can't have now,leave it,work with what you have and be hopeful
9.When you check very well those that create wealth are those that provide solutions to issues not those that enjoy the solutions provided
10.Read,develop your mind if not you won't fit in with the changing times
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Things the rich don't do
1.The rich don't spend money to impress,they spend to earn
2.The rich are not attracted to complaint they are attracted to solutions
3.The rich don't catch leisure beforwork,they work before leisure
4.The rich believe in "what can you do" rather than what you can get from them
5.The rich watch TV to get news and helpful information not just entertainment
6.They don't procrastinate, they know the worth of time
7.The rich don't engage in discussions that has no bearing to their pursuit
8.The rich believe in growth,they don't place a lid over their progress
9.The rich read books
10.The rich go for the best and not average
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Improve your value
What most people don't know is that one tends to loose out or become obsolete when one doesn't see the need of making consistent efforts towards growth and more harnessing of the skill,value or content that they have and give out.
This year you must see the need of improving on that value you give,that skill or talent you have in you,go to seminars, read,connect,unlearn,relearn,explore and move on with progressive growth.
This is one secret products of the same value use in staying ahead of others of the same field,growth is intentional and as you rise in your career ladder or skill or audience that you may meet it becomes necessary that you improve,don't get stuck on one location, you can improve on that skill without changing the character or content value of what you do,for instance a detergent producing factory that produces a nice washing detergent may go into producing bar soaps with the same efficacy of washing off dirt just like the powdered detergent, we can't say they changed their brand or quality but rather improved in their production by diversifying into bar soap production. That's the point.Improve.
See you at the top
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Improve, Grow
It is one thing to have a skill or to be talented but it is also important to note that you can on a daily basis improve on your skill and acquire more knowledge and insight in the building of that skill and talent.
It is true that one can be a skillful football player but still needs to do some necessary training and strict regimen,not because he is not talented but because he wants to brush and advance in that skill and make it more adaptive and marketably fitting in contemporary world of today.
The core of the discussion here is on a daily develop and improve on your skill or brush and chisel finely that your talent,attend meetings of value, read books, sit under sound mentors listen to great speakers and tapes,try to practice what you learn and you would see how your life would turn out to be.
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There are three factors that can bring you into limelight by the reason of that skill or talent which you have, the first of it is being in the right location or environment at the right time,secondly is meeting the right people and right information and thirdly is having strategic marketability of the skills you carry or present.
And marketability is the state or ability where one displays his goods or wares in a very tactful and strategic way in order to obtain a desired result. Now we live in the era of the social media, a very veritable tool in business and e-commerce today, and one can employ such a tool to carry out and effect a global display of what skills and goods he has,and indeed many has employed this tool and the active use of the social media and has turned out to be celebrities and sensations in their time, some of them shot into limelight through that means,and not forgetting a change of fortune as they now rake in money both hard and local currency.
You may be good in any skill or talent you may claim to have,strategically market it,build capacity, polish that slill ,groom that ability, don't keep it idle,make use of it and effectively let those skills in you be known in and by your world.
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Skill plus diligence
If you must survive in the marketplace, don't only relax because you claim that you got a skill,instead be focused and committed unto being more diligent with that skill,that is one of the things that would make you stand out amonouegst others,it speaks more about you and your job.
Nuggets for the new year
Now listen I know most of us had made plans and drafted new year resolutions, some of us have gone to our various places of worship to usher in the new year with prayers but listen up;
This new year I would like to give us some clues on how we can run it businesswise or career wise and achieve better results,here we go;
Firstly Work smart not just hard,you need to be updated with the current trend of things that are obtainable in your career or business, you don't need to be analog in a digital world,work smart by developing your skills both emotionally and intellectually
Secondly have Focus,you can't afford to allow distractions into your life this year,be focused,yes distractions would surely come but you need to know what you're aiming for and at and pay the price of focus
Thirdly have a right network, this year discard any unprofitable relationships and move with those that can gear you unto becoming a better positive individual
Be Consistent and plan through,you need to be consistent, yes and have slated plans which can be divided into daily,weeklymonthly,yearly and so on,task yourself and be disciplined to follow it.
Pray,you can't afford to go through this new year without God,carry him along in your scheme and business, and be conscious of his leading this year
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Your salary,your step higher
1.Salary is the bait the capitalist or pay master uses inorder to get the labourer do his bidding
2.Salary is the systematic mechanism employed to make one work for money than money working for him by the strategy of the pay cheque
3.Salary is the false rest in economic distress,it is a false freedom
Now looking at those definitions of salary you will agree with me that they are not nice or what you come to believe over the years as the meaning to salary, but I got a goodnews for you,now listen to this,if you care that;
Salary is the seed that can facilitate your lift if rightly cultivated ininvestment.
Do you get that?
Now your salary can be a seed to create your independence and financial freedom if rightly employed in the investment that can really send you smiling to the bank,no matter how small you earn try to keep something that you will use in starting a business that would set your feel unto becoming freer.
No matter what you earn as a salary you cannot will it out to your offspring, you can only will out a business, an investment and not a paid job,and note importantly also that you're at the mercy of your paymaster, your boss,the day he finds a better way he can get what you offer and spend less,that may be the end of your job,as we see many today being retrenched from their jobs because of the takeover of high technologies and artificial intelligence.
So why not first sack him before he sacks you, why not build your own business, by creating investment.Think about it.
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Ideas are seeds
God created in man a mind and gave to the mind the power of imagination and creativity,whatever the mind can picture it can capture,it is the energy resident in a man to change and create his world.
Ideas are seeds,but two things happen to seeds either way,they grow and flourish when properly nurtured or attended to or they wither and die if left abandoned.
The truth is that most people hinder themselves by themselves because they don't appreciate the ideas that are creative and positive that builds or tries to build up in them by working and using the creative energies of the mind to produce worry.
Don't despise that sound idea that is built or is building inside of you,groom it,most times when God wants to give you a 'fish' He gives you a net to fish,it is dependent on you to throw it in into the sea and catch your fish.
Don't look down on those ideas,if Wilbur and Orville Wright had looked down on the idea of the issue of flying something heavier than a bird carrying passengers from place to place there would have been no aircraft that is of inestimable value to the world of business today.
Work on your idea,don't despise it and see you on the top.
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Keys to business growth
*Start small:
To go far,don't ever think business would be like boom,just be ready to start small no matter how little, be ready to start from where youare.It may look like it is more advisable to start big,but it is and more better to begin small and work through to the top
*Be ready to learn:
Yes be ready to learn,unlearn and relearn,in the business world don't be a person who does allow new information so long as they are the same old ones,no,be open to constructive and impactful ideas that would be of help
*Have your plans mapped out:
Map out your plans,don't have and venture into a business without any plan at heart,let them be feasible and visible, let them be idealistic yet realistic, and you can divide them into daily,weekly, monthly,yearly or decade goals as the case may be
*Know the power of network:
Connect with the right kind of people, not all networks are fitting for business, know the right network and work with them,when you have an illness where do you go?,hospital, when you want to buy something where do you go,market right?,so you discuss business with those whom have business mindset and think productively
*Call business business:
Don't bring in filial or emotional relationship into business, learn to have them separated from each other,some people have gone contrary to this rule and this have caused most businesses to crumble, because they have failed to separate romance or casual relationship from business.
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To make progress you need to be open to change,whether you are a business owner or you're working under a public or private firm,you don't need to be so characteristically conservative, you need to learn how to adapt,improvise and make use of ready available technologies and techniques, information and what have you to harness your work and potential so long as they definitely would make you better.
The truth remains that those individuals and business that go far are also those that are not hesistant to positive change but grab it and fully employ and enjoy its benefits,be open to change.
Seek opportunities to improve on a daily basis,acquire new skills, ideasinformation,connection, programs and move on,don't be dwarfed by the society or by the fear within your heart,go on and create more balance to your life.
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What value do you offer?
Listen to this money is attracted to value,you don't need money for money to start coming rather you create a solution to a problem, a value that impacts people and money is attracted.
Most people end up wishing for good things to happen to then by and by,they hope for a luck,how absurd that is.
Money is attracted to a value you offer,the question is what value are you offering, a man who comes to an academic environment to sell stationaries would have a more value than the man who comes there to sell timber,the reason is that one is solving an immediate need and demand of such an environment
Listen to this,you can understand that you have to think critically on the kind of value you offer to your society, what needs are you solving?,what are you gearing towards in positively changing.
You must begin to sit down and think,but unfortunately only few persons engage in real positive thinking, rather they just whine and grapple, you don't need to complain that nobody cares about you,rather start thinking of how to care about others,this will have a positive impact on your mentality.
Like John F. Kennedy would say"Don't think of what America would do for you rather what you would do for America' Think beyond what should be done for you,rather think of what value you can give to the society.
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Think like an employer
These days begin to think like having and running your own business which you will be proud to be your own boss, learn skills,develop yourself, don't try to say that you're not carved out for business, because your present salaried work is never an inheritance for your children no matter how well paid you may be.Think outside the box,there are couple of good businesses you can start with small cash and which can serve as a side hustle and if you diligently work on it in no distant time it will bloom,ask any accomplished business owner today,most of them started small and worked their way up the ladder.Go high,dream big.
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Be creative
Any business that must stand the pressures from the competitive market of today is for it to also consider the fact that you must start becoming more creative and innovative in that which you do.
I discovered that one of the reasons why some businesses have developed or have become more better over time keeping the public under their spell despite the various competition is based on the fact they have learned the art of being innovative and dynamic, while others are still conservative.
One attribute of any good business is adaptability and innovativeness, society changes and so is human taste and desires,to keep yourself and not being kicked out you must systematically bring in little changes in the things which you do on a positive note and market it to the public.
You must be ready to understand what the public demands and you must be able to invest deeply in knowledge and creativity. Don't be an incurable conservatist but be ready to change from time to time on a positivistic and systematic mode.
Learn a skill too
It is quite unfortunate that most people who claims to have gone to school have no other hope of making money than through their certificates and degrees, I would want to state here categorically that schooling is not and end in itself, getting certificates and degrees a is not an end in itself,ask yourself what other thing can you do or offer aside that paper certification or degree.
You need to invest in learning a skill,don't relegate this fact to the background, don't bask on the fact that you have a first class or a second class upper your mindset needs to change from that radar of thought,think like an employer not like an employee,think of what to do with that talent you have,learn a skill if you have none and adequately invest in making a positive impact in the society and to help yourself too.
No matter how fat and cozy your salaried work is,I would always tell people nothing is a good of running your own business, paying yourself and being your own boss,it looks more freer and better,why not think about it and you will sure see how your mentality and your life would turn out to be.
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Go and read
Every serious businessman who wants to go far or excel in his or her business must be someone who is not scared of learning new things or gathering new information that can further enhance the growth and development of his business.
As a businessman it would not be out of place to attend seminars,symposiums, get audio and video tapes that can improve your knowledge more in the trade or business you are engaged in.
One of the other way you can improve incredibly is to have time to read good books that would boost the business or economic horizon of your life,It has been discovered overtime that most businessman who are or have been successful read books and have most of the things which they read applied and then also have it stored and passed across to the next generation by writing book
You must be a curious reader,you can become better in your business venture when you read good economic or financial books it does help give you a boost and a leverage in that which you do.Read to go far.
A change of mindset
You cannot dream of riches having a poverty driven mentality, you need a mental change I.e a change of orientation and information that is in parri passu with where you want to be.mark that
Life is driven by what fills your mind pertime ,the information that flash across your mind in nanoseconds and minutely and hourly,and when you work on these it can bring out your best or it can seriously inhibit your life progress.
Work on your mind for a rich man and a poor man are best differentiated not just by their economic state but also by their mental fact it is what is on the inside that affects what happens on the outside.
To have a change of life,have a change of thought.
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Why some people go poor
Poverty in itself is very bad because it comes along with it some dissatisfaction ,anger,blame games and frustrations and can lead one to crime. when you see your mates being successful financially and you're meagerly surviving,nobody wants to associate with you and even when they do,they are mostly of the same clique with you.
What some persons don't know is that some how they contribute to that state of life in their lives,and they can only change their conditions when they take the right steps to be mentioned.below;
1.When you spend impulsively:
When you engage in impulse buying by buying wants and not needs,you will go poor by so doing,you only have to get what is necessary and urgent at a time and not what you feel ,avoid impulse buying
2.Avoid spendthrifts:
Most people are poor because of the kind of clique they have which are basically those who spend beyond their cannot have spendthrifts as friends and you achieve anything financially they will only help in draining you.
3.When you fail to read books:
When you fail to update your financial knowledge by reading books that borders on finance and income management you may find it difficult to improve in financial terms and when you don't act on what you learn it becomes difficult also to grow out of the cauldrons of poverty
4.When you think that God is a magician:
When people think of God most of the times they feel that God is a kind of magician whom can make things happen from nowhere,you cannot be lazy with your work or job and expect to be successful, you may be a good tither, prayer warrior and the rest but you may not be successful still being bankrupt in your finances because you are a lazybone who thinks that manna would fall from heaven when he or she is unserious with his or her work.
5.Lack investment and saving mentality:
When you live for the here and now,it would affect you,most people lack the mentality of savings and investment,they virtually spend all their earnings and even dread to investment in ventures that can help build them financially and then think that they would be rich,the answer is a No
6.Having a wrong self picture:
Most times some persons have come to be hindered in their state of penury by the reason of a wrong picture about themselves.they think that being wealthy is for some special people and not for them,and these are the 'Vanity of vanity' lingo crew,with this kind of mindset forget about been rich,you need a change of mind.
7.Procrastination and poor planning:
When people procrastinate and engage in no plan or in poor planning they tend to go poor,this is because they lacked good financial plan and also they push forward what they are supposed to do at a point in time,deferring it tomorrow which may never come.
As a man thinks in his heart so is he,to be successful and to also fail is also connected to your heart state which can go a long way to affect your life state which includes your financial state.
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Think business: 2
1.Laundry job:
This business is quite cool most especially if your services are awesome and amazing, most people who are working class most times don't have time to do laundry themselves so the need for a laundry man is needed,however this kind of business can only thrive in a highbrow area than in a rural or suburban area
Food business is cool business and one of its aspect is baking.if you are one who can make bakeries of any kind like puff,doughnut,cakes and the rest you can engage it as a side hustle,and if you engage the services of the social media,you can be sure someone would surely come across your art and demand for your services it doesn't cost much to start but it does pays
An aspect of e-commerce and digital marketing is mini importation, with you signing up with verifiable e-commerce sites engaged in such you can help people order goods and help sell for companies or such sites too making your own profits,what you need is a smartphone or tablet or a laptop and signing up with sites that are into such while you tell your friends about the business as a way of advertisement or to whomsoever it may concern. designing:
Looking good is good business but it takes also a good fashion designer to come up with such.These days we see trendy and awesome creativity in the world of fashion been churned out,and if you are a person who can create dresses that are fabulous,cute and attractive you can earn yourself cool money and even when these days you engage the power of technology to advertise your work you never can tell who will see your work and love it and may want to patronise you.
Other profitable ventures that you can also engage on are:
Affiliate marketing
Event planning and decoration
Telecom business and so much more
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Think business
Having one source of income ain't good in these times and been only a salaried worker leaves you with the fear of retrenchment when the economy plummets and feeds you with the fantasy or hopes of pension and gratuity which is as unsure and unsteady as ever which leaves such a one with a dashed hope.
In the light of these what can onedo? You may ask.The answer is think business, there is no joy bigger than one been incharge of his business and been his own boss,and like a piece of advise one of the greatest undoing you can do to yourself in times like this is to be dependent on one source of income and on salary.
Think of businesses that you can also engage in that can also fetch you cool cash,even if you are going to do them at your spare time or as a side hustle,and as a sort of help I am going to list out some of these ventures.
1.Poultry business:
Most people are beginning to realise that this business is one of the fastest and thriving forms of business most especially when you start it on a large scale, you can also have it on a subsistence level just for personal consumption or as a means of start up.what you need is just to get a good location,housing facilities for the birds that you rear that is conducive,the nature or species that you are rearing and how to feed and handle them in times of illness or scourge of flu by getting for them the right medication. However on the longrun poultry business pays as government and banks help provide loans and one can through diligence start small,save up and become bigger
2.Uber driver:
You can also engage in this side hustle by signing up with sites that are into Uber,and one thing is that you can do it on a spare time,most individuals who are into Uber goes to other businesses during the day and on weekends engage on Uber driving, some work in the day at their jobs and in the evenings that use their cars for does bring cool cash.
This business is also quite OK and can fetch cool money,most especially if your services are classy and can give good haircuts and styles.You can start small and can also use the power of social media to publicise your works,this is real cool.
Undoubtedly this is a kind of occupation or business that brings money,when I mean farming I also talk about agro related ventures.Agriculture is good and has been a major factor in this days that gives one cool money,to engage in agriculture or agro related ventures is one of the sure ways of making money such as sale of fertilizers,fish farming,diary and the rest,but in this case you need some sort of capital to begin.
In my next article I will bring to us some other likely ventures one can engage on and it can fetch such a one cool money. Thank you and I hope this helped.